Isaac Newton Birthday (Date, Age, How Old)

Isaac Newton Birthday (Date, Age, How Old)

Isaac Newton Birthday (Date, Age, How Old)
Last Updated: February 12, 2025

Fast Facts

Full Name:

Sir Isaac Newton


Isaac Newton Jr.

Birth date:

January 4, 1643

Death date:

March 31, 1727 (age 84)

Zodiac Sign:



5″ 6″


Born on January 4, 1643, in Lincolnshire, England, Isaac Newton was the only child of a local farmer also named Isaac, who passed away three months prior to Newton’s arrival. His mother, Hannah Ayscough Newton, was responsible for his upbringing. Due to his premature birth, his frailty raised concerns about his survival, yet he overcame these challenges. At the age of three, Newton’s mother remarried minister Barnabas Smith and took him to stay with his grandmother.

This early separation profoundly affected Newton, instilling a lasting sense of insecurity and anxiety, which made him overly protective of his published work. He began his education at the King’s School in Grantham, where he showed an interest in science from an early age.
Newton’s schooling came to an abrupt halt at the age of 12 due to his mother’s wishes for him to pursue farming, a task he found to be both strenuous and dull. In 1661, he enrolled in a work-study program at Trinity College, Cambridge.

While his initial education covered standard subjects, his true passion lay in advanced science. During this pivotal time, Newton maintained a collection of notes titled “Quaestiones Quaedam Philosophicae” (“Certain Philosophical Questions”), which documented his groundbreaking ideas about nature that would lay the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution.

His contributions spanned motion, optics, mathematics, and physics, leading to the development of the theory of the light spectrum, proposing that light consists of particles. In his seminal work “Principia,” Newton addressed most fundamental physics concepts, elucidating his theories on gravity and motion. Alongside Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, he played a crucial role in the establishment of calculus.

Notably, Newton’s first significant scientific accomplishment was the invention of a reflecting telescope in 1668. While serving as a professor at Cambridge,

Every year, Newton delivered lectures on his chosen subject of optics. He utilized his telescope for optical studies, which aided him in demonstrating his theories regarding light and color.

Despite the existence of reports asserting that Newton was engaged, he never actually entered into marriage. He shared a prolonged rivalry with Robert Hooke.

Career Timeline

Commencement of Studies

Newton begins his undergraduate studies at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Bachelor’s Degree Achievement

Newton secures a bachelor’s degree, yet the scientific work he performed during his undergraduate years remains largely undisclosed.

Creation of His First Invention

He designs the reflecting telescope.



A Groundbreaking Paper is Published by Newton

He releases his seminal work “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”), outlining the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

Sir Isaac Newton

Queen Anne knights Newton, marking him as the first scientist to achieve this distinction.

The Death of Newton

At the age of 84, Newton passes away peacefully in his sleep.

Our Admiration for Isaac Newton

  1. His Innovations

    Newton significantly transformed our comprehension of the universe. Not only did he identify the laws of motion and gravity, but he also pioneered calculus.

  2. His Enduring Impact

    In the realm of science, Newton remains an indomitable figure. His discoveries and works have profoundly influenced scientific thought and form the cornerstone of modern physics.

  3. His Influence on the Scientific Revolution

    Newton played a pivotal role in the scientific revolution. During a crucial time for scientific growth, his groundbreaking inventions and progress contributed significantly to this transformative period. Numerous scientific innovations are credited to him.


5 Surprising Facts

  1. He was expelled

    At the age of 12, Newton was expelled from school due to a fight with another student.

  2. A career in farming almost happened

    His mother wished for him to farm after his stepfather passed away, pulling him out of school.

  3. Newton maintained a journal

    In his journal, he documented his wrongdoings.

  4. Attendance at his lectures was low

    Even as a Cambridge professor, he faced poor attendance due to students’ lack of interest in his lectures.

  5. An avid interest in alchemy

    Besides science, Newton had a profound interest in alchemy, dedicating a considerable amount of his life to experiments in the field.

Isaac Newton FAQs

What is Sir Isaac Newton’s I.Q.?

His estimated I.Q. is believed to be between 190 and 200.

Did Isaac Newton discover gravity?

Indeed, he formulated the laws of gravity.

Where did Isaac Newton die?

Kensington, London, United Kingdom was his place of death.


Dates for Isaac Newton’s birthday

Year Date Day
2025 January 4 Saturday
2026 January 4 Sunday
2027 January 4 Monday
2028 January 4 Tuesday
2029 January 4 Thursday


We appreciate you taking the time to read this article titled: Isaac Newton Birthday (Date, Age, How Old)

The information is sourced from 2023 and 2024, with predictions extending into 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we have included forecasts for 2027 and 2028.

Post Title: Isaac Newton Birthday (Date, Age, How Old)
Last Updated: February 12, 2025

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